Area 2 Farms is an indoor, vertical farm in the Green Valley neighborhood of Arlington, Virginia. The company grows and delivers “fresh, local, organic, vibrant and delicious produce.” They believe communities should be connected to the people who grow their food. That’s why they started an organic farm grounded in traditional methods and enhanced by new ideas that allow people to get as close as possible to the source of their produce. They want people to know them and see the effort they put into tending every leaf and root! Everything they grow is organic and kosher, tended with the utmost respect for the land, water and community.

Farmers Tyler Baras and Nate Arias started Area 2 Farms after their first harvest in the Spring of 2022. They tell us they wanted to become a B Corp because “we believe in conducting business in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. Becoming a B Corp allowed us to formalize and verify our commitment to those values.” They told us they did not have to change how they approached their business in order to become a B Corp, but the certification process gave them valuable insight on the standards used to measure impact and reminded them of the “importance of accountability, transparency, and continuous improvement in our operations.” They are looking forward to the road ahead keeping these values in mind.
They are excited to share with others their B Corp journey, telling B Local Mid-Atlantic, “Becoming a B Corp is not just about obtaining the certification; it’s about committing to a long-term journey of social and environmental responsibility.” Their recommendation for B Corps and the B Curious, “Embrace the values and principles that B Corps embody, and continually strive for improvement and positive impact.”
Area 2 hosts farm tours every first and third Sunday of the month — and we’re organizing a special B Corp and B Curious company tour for Sunday, July 16th! Sign up here and meet us at Area 2 Farms on 7/16!
About the Author: Eve London is the B Local Mid-Atlantic (BLMA) Summer Intern and an Environmental Studies and Political Science student at Dickinson College, where she is also the Vice President of the Marketing Club. She has been interested in supporting the B Corp community since writing her International Baccalaureate (IB) extended essay on the movement. She more recently presented to her peers about greenwashing and sustainable business practices with a focus on B Corps for her Baird Sustainability Fellowship practicum. Her passion for the environment began when she was part of the Environmental Leaders Program at Bethesda Green, led by B Corp champion and BLMA Partnerships Chair, Kim Goddu-Alexander. BLMA is lucky to have Eve as our an engaged and committed team member!